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Allan Sherer, CEO

Connector. Dreamer. Builder.




Over the past forty years I have traveled to remote, exotic places on this planet. I have worked and lived on every continent (other than Antarctica). I have executed major development projects in places as diverse as Ethiopia, Belarus, Colombia, India, and right here at home in Greenville, South Carolina. 

Most of the time I work in underserved communities—places many would see as desperate and even hopeless. I have come to learn that there is no such thing as "hopeless." When you start with visionary leaders—add creativity, innovation, and determination—well, the seemingly impossible happens.

The road has been beautiful. I have met many of the world's finest leaders. I have seen courage and sacrifice which took my breath away. I now know the magic hope brings.

Here are some of the milestones over the years:

  • Partnering with organizations in the US, Canada, and Ethiopia to place 600,000 Bibles in Ethiopia

  • Partnering with organizations from the US and Ethiopia to establish a national leadership training network in Ethiopia which has served more than 20,000 leaders

  • Developing an egg production business partnership in Ethiopia which generated more than $100,000 in revenue

  • Partnering with visionary leaders in Belarus to build a national community development program

  • Developing an app to track well-drilling in India (app collects detailed data on hundreds of wells serving millions of the "Untouchable" people in Eastern India)

© 2023 by Allan Sherer and Catalyze Global

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